Professional Development
The Big Picture: Learning the essential characteristics and actions of becoming a professional learning community.
Becoming a Professional Learning Community
Critical Question 1:
What do we expect all students to know and be able to do?
Developing a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum: Providing a Schoolwide Focus to Improve Results
Critical Question 2:
How will we know students have learned it?
Uncovering the Linchpin of the PLC Process: The Why and How of Developing Common Formative Assessments​
The Big Picture: Learning the essential characteristics and actions of developing the three tiers in the RTI/MTSS process.
Developing a Schoolwide System of Interventions
Critical Question 3:
How will we respond when students don’t learn?
Critical Question 4:
How will we respond when they already know it?
Learning a clear process to develop and progress monitor tier 2 intervention.
Learning a clear process to develop and progress monitor tier 3 intervention.
Developing a schoolwide intervention team to support and monitor the RTI/MTSS process.​
The Big Picture: How District Office Leaders and Principals Lead a Professional Learning Community to Improve Districtwide Results.
Developing District and Site Leadership to Improve Student Achievement
Developing and effectively utilizing a leadership team/guiding coalition to support and monitor the school improvement process.
Evaluating schoolwide processes and creating a clear, actionable PLC Action Plan.
Enhancing knowledge and skills as a site leader to improve student achievement.
Enhancing Classroom
Teaching Practices
Improving the quality of tier 1 core instruction with research-based teaching pedagogy.
Learning effective classroom management strategies.
Learning strategies to actively engage students in learning.
Developing a process for students to set goals, monitor, and assume responsibility for their own learning.